Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Neo-Marxism IS HERE!!!


I pledge allegiance, to the flag
of the United Socialist States of America,
And to Neo-Marxism, for which it stands,
One nation, without God,
Indefensible, with scarce liberty and welfare for all!

I now pronounce Capitalism, the United States of America, the Constitution, and all of our liberties dead!

This was the main idea of the State of the Union address today.

Obama made mostly vague statements which would be an outrage if anyone did not applaud. Such as when he talked about education reform. I agree, education is important. How are you going to do it.

No the Obama-media is going to tell you that he was bi-partisan and has support from everyone. They obviously did not see the process of partisanship. From Mr. Nancy Pelosi writing and rushing her version of the plan to the floor (all the while shoving so many earmarks and subclauses into the bill making it almost 1000 pages long so no one could read it in time for the vote) to Mrs. Harry Reid re-writing it with "less" spending and bribing the other side with earmarks and pork. THIS IS WASHINGTON AS USUAL!

WHERE IS THE CHANGE? I heard CHANGE! CHANGE! CHANGE! but all I see is the SAME SAME SAME! I see a president who speaks about bi-partisanship only to then act to the Marxist left with no regard for the Capitalist right. I see a Congress which used to do nothing, but now only acts to socialize America and enslave us to the system. I see a federal government which will stop at nothing to take away our freedoms.

The Fairness Doctrine has been considered by the Neo-Marxists for reinstatement. This will act to silence our friends in Talk Radio. Talk Radio is a channel of free speech. It is a channel of checking the government. Now it also serves as a way to criticise the press which exists. Truth is, the media is owned by corporation interested in advertising. Advertisers look for certain audiences. So the advertisers target the liberals and use liberal advertising to incite liberalism into our minds. So, to secure the advertisers' money, the media will change the way they deliver yea even change the news to target liberals. Strangely enough, all of the news media (fox news is getting dragged into this) is now geared towards positive spin on Neo-Marxism and Terrorism, and negative towards conservatism and Americanism.

The fairy Barny Frank asked that the Porkulus bill be expanded so that congress controls the salaries of ALL bankers! There have also been talks of expanding the fairness doctrine to include the Internet. Though it would be hard to censor, they could silence thousands of blogs and they could even shutdown YouTube!

This is now a time of economic turmoil. It will only get worse, but don't worry, we won't have to pay for it.


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