Thursday, June 11, 2009

Holocaust Museum Shooting NOT a Hate Crime!

So there was a white supremacist who shot a man at a holocaust museum. He is a murderer! Not only that, he is a HATE CRIMES murderer! Tell me, what kills a person worse. A person who killed you for what you do, or a person who kills you for who you are (race, gender wise)? The answer is NEITHER! The thing is, ANY MURDER should be considered a hate crime! You have to at some point have some hatred in yourself towards someone else in order to kill them (excluding insane murderers who do it just for fun and the likes).

The whole hate crimes deal is a joke. We are essentially convicting people for their thoughts instead of how they acted on them. It should make no difference if I hate someone because they are different than I am if I kill them. I still killed them, they are still dead. It is all the same.

If anything, these hate crimes laws are a hate crime within themselves. They act hatefully towards people who hold a strong opinion. Take this Museum murderer who had an anti-semitic website called Holy Western ( you can't get on it any more because the government has shut it down which I believe is wrong as well). He believed that the people of Jewish decent were part of some Marxist Conspiracy. He was tried for violating gun laws in DC and he claims that it was a mistrial because his judge was jewish, his jury was comprised of negros and jews, and the lawyers were jewish. It was all a conspiracy.

Now this man held very strong beliefs as to this country's future and what certain people were contributing to it. I don't agree with him, but (as a true lover of the 1st amendment would say) I WILL FIGHT TO MY DEATH HIS RIGHT TO SAY
IT! Just because his views are offensive, and are not accepted by a lot of people, does not mean he is not a citizen of the United States and should be protected by the 1st Amendment as we all enjoy its protection. This kind of freedom is what we live and our troops die for. To be able to speak your mind for or against something and not be punished for it.

Well, I hope this country and the courts will not hold this man accountable for the things he said. Only the (insert your faith here) God can hold him for what he said and felt in his heart. But, if he did murder, he should get the death penalty (opening up a new can of worms) and I now leave you with that.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Indianapolis Tea Party


I pledge allegiance, to the flagof the United Socialist States of America,
And to Neo-Marxism, for which it stands,
One nation, without God,Indefensible,
with scarce liberty and welfare for all!

Yes it is I Victor Fairfellow! I invite those of you in Indiana to come to the Indianapolis Tea Party. It will be a lovely event stationed at the South Lawn of the Capitol Building. There we shall make known our voices ( over 8000 voices, mind you) to the Neo-Marxists in Washington and in local governments as well that we are MAD AS HELL!

This socialist porkulus should never have passed, but it did! We should have spoke up, but we didn't! It is now our chance to speak up on Tax Day. Bring a tea bag (I am bringing Luizianne), and staple it to a patriotic sign. Mail your non-representing representative a tea bag! Let them know that you do NOT approve of the way they are wasting away our children and grandchildren's lives. is the website to give you more information.

I will drive from Arizona (because it will make the environmentalists made that I cause global warming with my car) to arrive in Indiana on April 15. I will meet up with my crew and we will caravan to my homestate capitol. (That's right. Ol'e Vic was born in Indiana.)

Come and join us. THIS IS NOT A PARTISAN EVENT! Mike Pence and other political figures have been asked not to come and not to speak at this event! It is purely for citizens to express their outrage. So you conservative Dems who have been in hiding like me, you can come out with me as well and stand for your beliefs.

I will give first hand report of what happened in a video on Youtube.

Gooday America, and may God save us from Obama!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Neo-Marxism IS HERE!!!


I pledge allegiance, to the flag
of the United Socialist States of America,
And to Neo-Marxism, for which it stands,
One nation, without God,
Indefensible, with scarce liberty and welfare for all!

I now pronounce Capitalism, the United States of America, the Constitution, and all of our liberties dead!

This was the main idea of the State of the Union address today.

Obama made mostly vague statements which would be an outrage if anyone did not applaud. Such as when he talked about education reform. I agree, education is important. How are you going to do it.

No the Obama-media is going to tell you that he was bi-partisan and has support from everyone. They obviously did not see the process of partisanship. From Mr. Nancy Pelosi writing and rushing her version of the plan to the floor (all the while shoving so many earmarks and subclauses into the bill making it almost 1000 pages long so no one could read it in time for the vote) to Mrs. Harry Reid re-writing it with "less" spending and bribing the other side with earmarks and pork. THIS IS WASHINGTON AS USUAL!

WHERE IS THE CHANGE? I heard CHANGE! CHANGE! CHANGE! but all I see is the SAME SAME SAME! I see a president who speaks about bi-partisanship only to then act to the Marxist left with no regard for the Capitalist right. I see a Congress which used to do nothing, but now only acts to socialize America and enslave us to the system. I see a federal government which will stop at nothing to take away our freedoms.

The Fairness Doctrine has been considered by the Neo-Marxists for reinstatement. This will act to silence our friends in Talk Radio. Talk Radio is a channel of free speech. It is a channel of checking the government. Now it also serves as a way to criticise the press which exists. Truth is, the media is owned by corporation interested in advertising. Advertisers look for certain audiences. So the advertisers target the liberals and use liberal advertising to incite liberalism into our minds. So, to secure the advertisers' money, the media will change the way they deliver yea even change the news to target liberals. Strangely enough, all of the news media (fox news is getting dragged into this) is now geared towards positive spin on Neo-Marxism and Terrorism, and negative towards conservatism and Americanism.

The fairy Barny Frank asked that the Porkulus bill be expanded so that congress controls the salaries of ALL bankers! There have also been talks of expanding the fairness doctrine to include the Internet. Though it would be hard to censor, they could silence thousands of blogs and they could even shutdown YouTube!

This is now a time of economic turmoil. It will only get worse, but don't worry, we won't have to pay for it.


Friday, January 2, 2009

Gas? It Smells More Like the Government

Here we go again, boys and girls. ABC News reports "A 50 percent increase in gasoline and diesel fuel taxes is being urged by a federal commission to finance highway construction and repair until the government devises another way for motorists to pay for using public roads."

Why? Don't they have enough taxes the way it is? Have they not seen the economic recession the Dems have talked us into? Why would they want to do something as horrendous as raise taxes? This is their reason.

"With motorists driving less and buying less fuel, the current 18.4 cents a gallon gas tax and 24.4 cents a gallon diesel tax fail to raise enough to keep pace with the cost of road, bridge and transit programs."" Many Americans are driving less and switching to more fuel-efficient cars and trucks, and a shift to new fuels and technologies like plug-in hybrid electric cars will further erode gasoline sales."

So there we go! Why are Americans driving less? Why are Americans switching to more fuel efficient cars? BECAUSE YOU DIM WITTED DEMS YELLED AT THEM AND ORDERED THEM TO! The little snot-nosed tree huggers wanted more fuel efficient cars so we have a cleaner environment. So we could live with the gas prices being so high. Guess what? It's there to slap them in the face.

The thing you've got to understand about Dems, is that they just can't do the simple and wise thing. They have to choose a far out complicated journey which borderlines taking your rights away so then they can say they have healed America when in fact they have eroded what America stands for. A free economy.

Republicans wanted to drill for oil here in the States. Why? So we can inject the global market with more supply. And with an high demand and a high supply, you meet the equilibrium point where all are happy. That's economics in high school.

Know it all liberals would love to chime in "But OPEC mandates global price." WRONG! If I own a bakery, and my competition is selling a loaf of their gourmet bread at $5.00 a loaf, you bet I will sell a comparable loaf of bread for LESS! Why? Because the market is all about how much can I get with my money and at what quality?

Our oil is the quality. Check. How much can they get? 896 BILLION barrels. That's in ANWR (10 bil), The Rockies (800 bil), and off shore (86 bil). If you had to do the math, we import about 20 million barrels a day from somplace else (competition). We could SUPPLY OURSELVES and others and make them pay a price which is lower that OPEC's What will happen?

Besides possible war, OPEC will lose some hefty customers and come to American oil companies who are becoming rich off of doemstic oil. Then OPEC (trying to get people back) will lower its prices and give different services to customers to get them back. This is the market, and because of the puney minded DEMS, we have not been able to participate in it.

When you want to get rid of a business, you don't buy from it. If they have no competition, you can't do anything but buy from they guy you hate. Bad thing is, oil is inelastic. People need it so bad, they WILL pay high price to get some of it. Because it is a necesity.

So we don't have to be spending all this money on OPEC and their taxes they put on our government. We can drill our own gas (natural and oil).

That's what Republicans would do. But NOOOO! Let's blame somebody! Let's see, who makes a product which burns a lot of fossil fuels. THE AUTO INDUSTRY. So they make sure GM and Ford and Chrysler are making fuel efficient and low emission cars so then everyone can breath better and not pay so much at the pump so frequently. This is where laws are not always economy safe.

Because we now have about $1.75/gal gas, people can fill up their huge SUVS for about $25 as opposed to $60. That's not all. Just like people from the Great Depression learned and carried on traits which saved them money (then making sure the clerk did not mischarge them for a meal or retail item now driving less) we drive less because we have set ourselves into the rut of saving gas and money. Not making trips into town so frequently. Spending more time with the family at home. Guess what? Individuals can set their own personal laws and it is economy safe! If they save a little money in bad times, they will save oh the more in good times. WHY STOP THAT? More money is more buying power.

Now if only the DEMS would just leave it up to the people, and if the people would stop thinking that the president has full control of the economy. Honestly, no one does! The president can only suggest and introduce a few things to influence the economy. Once a president starts making mandates, it usually spells bad news for America.

Don't be suprised if you see $2.50 be the new $1.75! It is the same price, just taxed more!